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Bird Friendly Hedge Plants and Shrubs for Garden


Bird-friendly hedge plants make quite a landscape. Here are the best small garden shrubs for creating a bird-friendly garden to attract several bird species.

Bird-friendly hedge plants are a great addition to any garden. While these plants help attract different species of birds, they also help you dramatically enhance your backyard. Whether you want to add privacy and screening, define the boundaries of your property, or help support wildlife, hedge plants and small garden shrubs are the best and most versatile addition.

In a perfect world, the best bird-friendly garden includes plants and shrubs with edible fruit, seeds, and nesting materials for attracting different species of birds. So, it is important to go with perennials native to your region and should thrive under different conditions.


Bird-Friendly Hedge Plants

A bird’s nest can be pretty impressive, and it doesn’t take much to impress a bird. A few twigs or sticks like planting bird-friendly hedge plants in your garden can attract several bird species. Hedge plants and shrubs are great for a bird-friendly garden that helps birds make nests and find food and shelter. Small garden shrubs and hedge plants also provide nesting materials for numerous species of birds, including hummingbirds, sparrows, Eurasian blue tit, Common chaffinch, Long-tailed tit, etc.

Bird-Friendly Hedge Plants

However, some bird-friendly hedge plants are better than others in attracting different kinds of birds, including butterflies, to their branches. So, as a bird lover, it is important to know what type of small garden shrubs you should grow to attract birds.

If you’re looking to create an attractive/ and beautiful habitat in your backyard, below are the best shrubs and hedge plants you can grow. Moreover, all these plants are easy to care for and come in many shapes and sizes. Take a look at the tips below for selecting the best shrub varieties for your small garden shrub:

Tips for Bird-Friendly Hedge Plants

Here are some useful tips for finding appropriate small garden shrubs:

  • Choose low-growing evergreen or deciduous shrubs to add beauty, positive vibes, and privacy to outdoor areas around your home. Many evergreens come in dwarf forms that fit nicely into small spaces. These types of shrubs produce colorful flowers that can entice birds into your yard.
  • Select a variety of shrubs that bloom at different times throughout the year to attract a variety of colorful birds all year round.
  • When choosing shrub varieties, get those that produce multiple fruit types, which are great for a bird-friendly garden. These will provide food and keep birds returning to visit your garden yearly.
  • Don’t just randomly pick any old shrub. Choose well-established ones. Select those that are healthy, thriving, and have plenty of leaves. Avoid sickly, scraggly specimens.

Tips for Bird-Friendly Hedge Plants

12 Bird-Friendly Hedge Plants for Your Garden

Many shrubs are known to attract birds to your garden. These plants provide food and shelter for birds while also helping you keep pests away from your crops. Here are the best bird-friendly hedge plants that you should be growing.


1.      Arborvitae Shrubs

Arborvitae Shrubs - Bird-friendly Plants

Arborvitae Shrubs are great for a bird-friendly garden. Not only do they provide birds shelter from predators. These shrubs also provide food, nesting sites, and protection from extreme weather conditions. . Birds also use these trees as a refuge to rest, eat, and raise their young ones.

Mature Arborvitae also gives birds protection from harsh weather conditions, making it perfect for a variety of colorful birds, such as sparrows, cardinals, bluebirds, hummingbirds, finches, wrens, robins, chickadees, nuthatches, and other small songbird species. You would love to watch these little feathered friends fly around your garden.

Moreover, this shrub has been used throughout history to withstand severe weather conditions and extreme temperatures. This makes these small garden shrubs ideal for creating a bird-friendly garden.

In addition, Arborvitae is also an evergreen coniferous shrub that can grow from 5 to 20 feet tall and have needle-like leaves. They are native to North America and Europe but are being planted worldwide. Besides their beautiful foliage, Arborvitae provides a habitat for birds, butterflies, and bees.

Furthermore, birds love to eat insects, a great food source for many species of birds. So, if you want to attract birds to your garden, consider growing some flowering shrubs like Arborvitae. Not only do they look pretty, but they also offer a haven for birds and insects.


  • Provide lots of covers.
  • Great for placing feeders.
  • Adaptable to a variety of climatic and weather conditions.

2.      Blueberries

Blueberries - Bird-friendly Plants

Blueberries are popular for attracting a number of colorful birds to your garden. They provide food and shelter for many species of birds. Blueberries are also one of my favorite bird foods, which means you will have plenty of colorful birds in your garden. Some birds feed on fruits that other animals have dropped. Others eat seeds that they find in their environment.

Additionally, birds can also make nests on these plants. Small and large birds love blueberries because they taste delicious and are easy to eat. Blueberries have been shown to attract over 300 different species of bird, which is great if birdwatching is one of your hobbies. They’re not only fascinating to look at, but they pollinate flowers that produce fruits for us, humans, to enjoy.

Lastly, blueberry shrubs can be grown from seedlings or bare roots. Choose a location where they won’t get too much direct sunlight. A southern-facing spot gets plenty of sunlight, while those located in northern climates need less light. Grow them in raised beds that drain well to avoid excess water. Once established, they require little maintenance other than regular pruning. You’d want to remove dead and diseased branches. Trim back any suckers that may develop. Prune out branches that spread into neighboring areas. Avoid over-pruning, or you’ll kill off buds and flowers.


  • Birds love these plants.
  • They have sweet nectar for birds.
  • Provide shelter to a variety of bird species.


3.      Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster - Bird-friendly Plants

Cotoneasters are one of the best bird-friendly hedge plants that grow well in acidic soils. They prefer full sun and tolerate light shade. In the spring, they produce small white flowers followed by blueberries, making them perfect for a bird-friendly garden.

Also, this is a deciduous plant that grows well in areas where summers are hot and dry. They have been used as hedges since ancient times but were not widely planted until the 19th century. In the United States, cotoneasters are commonly known as Japanese meddlers. The cotoneaster shrub is native to Europe and Asia but has been introduced into North America. This evergreen shrub grows well in full sun and tolerates dry conditions. Its flowers are white and bloom from spring through fall. The cotoneaster’s width is quite wide and can grow to a height of 20 feet.


  • Birds love berries.
  • Birds see them as shelter.
  • They provide nesting materials.


4.      Dogwood Shrubs

Dogwood Shrubs

Dogwoods are another popular bird-friendly hedge plant. These plants provide birds with food, shelter, nesting materials, and protection from predators. Birds also use dogwood shrubs as cover, perches, and nesting sites. Some species of birds like woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, titmice, bluebirds, robins, wrens, and thrashers eat insects that live under the bark.

Moreover, these plants are great for making a bird-friendly garden. Dogwoods are native to North America and are found throughout the eastern half of the United States. There are about 100 different dogwoods, but they are divided into two main groups: deciduous (shedding leaves yearly) and evergreen (keeps their green leaves all year round).

Furthermore, evergreen Dogwood has leaves that remain green year-round, while deciduous trees start losing their leaves in fall. These garden shrubs are easy to care for and maintain. They require little water once they are established. If your Dogwood has been damaged by disease or insect infestation, cut away the affected branches to ensure healthy growth. Remove dead branches and limbs that may pose safety hazards.


  • Attract different species of birds.
  • Provide sweet nectar.
  • Birds can build nests on the tree.


5.      Grapes


Grapes are not only delicious, but they can also help a bird-friendly garden thrive. They attract different species of birds that feed on insects and other pests. Grape plants are full of sweet nectar, and that’s what birds want. They pollinate the flowers and spread pollen from flower to flower, helping the plants bear fruits.

Additionally, there are many different varieties of grapes, having unique flavors and colors. Some of the most common types include Thompson Seedless, Red Flame, White Flame, Black Star, and Concord. Grapes are considered to be fruit trees. They can be grown in many different climates, although they do best in warm areas. These plants are usually planted in rows and pruned into small bushes but can reach heights of 10 feet.

Along with that, grapes need ample sunlight to thrive and should get at least six hours of direct sun each day. If they don’t get enough light, they won’t produce well. They also need a lot of water to flourish and should be watered regularly throughout the year. Grapes are often used as food for birds that they enjoy devouring. Some birds eat only grapes, while others use the plant to get nesting material.


  • Provide nesting materials.
  • Birds can build nests on this tree
  • Produce fruit that birds love.


6.      Holly Shrubs

Holly Shrubs

Holly Shrubs are small garden shrubs and provide an excellent option for creating a bird-friendly garden. They shelter birds from harsh weather conditions and offer them protection from predators. Many bird species love to nest in holly bushes and use them as a food source.

In addition, holly shrubs have many uses besides just being a home for birds. For instance, you can make your own birdhouses out of them to attract more birds to your garden. Or, you can also use them as a privacy screen, noise screen, or barrier, if you live near a busy road.

Moreover, If you want to attract birds to your garden, then planting holly shrubs is a great idea. They are easy to care for and maintain. Just water them regularly and fertilize them once a month.


  • Attract different bird species.
  • Birds love berries.
  • Offer shelter during harsh weather conditions.


7.      Juniper Shrubs

   Juniper Shrubs

Juniper shrubs are bird-friendly hedge plants you can add to your bird-friendly garden. These shrubs are great for providing birds with nesting materials, food, and shelter. Also, they can tolerate and live through both dry and wet conditions, making them ideal for landscaping.

Additionally, you can use them as hedge plants, windbreakers, erosion control, and screening. These shrubs produce berries that birds love. They are, in effect, one of the favorite foods of many colorful bird species. Juniper berries contain high levels of tannins that make them bitter and unpalatable to mammals, but birds enjoy eating them.

Furthermore, growing juniper bushes on your property would encourage birds to flock to them and search for food. You can use juniper shrubs to create habitat for a number of birds, such as bluebirds, robins, sparrows, wrens, woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, and many others.


  • Provide shelter and nesting areas for birds.
  • Attract native and migratory songbirds to your garden.
  • They are great for providing food to birds.
  • These shrubs also protect little birds against predators.


8.      Lilac


Lilacs are among the most elegant and bird-friendly hedge plants. They are beautiful and have many benefits for our feathered friends. These hedge plants produce amazing-looking pink to purple flowers that help attract a large number of different species of birds. In addition to their dazzling beauty, they are so dense, which helps birds to find shelter in extreme weather conditions.

Moreover, the flowers have sweet nectar that attracts a lot of butterflies. Lilacs are native to Europe and Asia and have been cultivated for thousands of years. There are over 200 varieties of lilacs, but only about 20 are commonly grown today.

Lilacs are easy to grow from seed. You can start them indoors in late winter or early spring. When the weather warms up, transplant your seedlings into larger pots. Once they reach 4-6 inches tall, place them outside, where they will receive full sun. If you live in a cold climate, you may want to move them inside until the temperature warms up.

In addition, lilacs bloom in mid-summer and continue blooming through fall. Their fragrant white blossoms are perfect for attracting hummingbirds and other pollinating insects. Lilacs are a great choice for bird-friendly gardens as they grow low and require minimal maintenance and care once established.


  • Attract birds to your garden.
  • Provide a nesting habitat.
  • Birds feed on insects and keep garden pests from multiplying.


9.      Mugo Pine Shrubs


Mugo pine shrubs are growing in popularity for their ability to attract many different types of colorful birds, making them excellent small garden shrubs. Birds see them as a good source of food because of the insects found around the plant. As food, birds love these shrub seeds because of the high-fat content that makes them so easy to digest.

This helps birds to live through times of famine. You should plant these shrubs in areas where birds visit frequently. They are also easy to care for, require little maintenance, and provide shelter for many species of birds. Moreover, these shrubs have been popularly used for centuries as birdhouses throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.

They are very resilient and can withstand harsh weather conditions as well. And they can thrive in areas where other trees may not survive. The best time to plant mugos is from late spring through early summer. You should plant them in full sun and well-drained soil. After planting, water the plants regularly until they start to sprout.

Furthermore, spread mulch around the tree’s base such as composted manure, straw, or pine bark chips. Mulch enriches the soil, keeps the roots cool and moist once the first leaves emerge. You will also need to prune off branches that grow too close together. Pruning helps balance the size of the tree so that it does not become top-heavy. If necessary, you can trim back the branches to increase light penetration into the tree’s crown.


  • Provide excellent protection in extreme weather conditions.
  • Offer a nesting habitat.
  • Attracts several small birds.


10. Sage


If you want to attract a large number of hummingbirds to your garden, planting sage is your best bet. The plant makes an excellent small garden shrub. In addition to hummingbirds, sage attracts many other different types of birds, including sparrows, finches, thrushes, bluebirds, robins, chickadees, nuthatches, doves, woodpeckers, crows, ravens, blackbirds, mockingbirds, orioles, etc.

Its flowers are small and inconspicuous, appearing only after the leaves have withered away. They are usually white, pink, purple, or lavender, although some cultivars (cultivated varieties) may produce red, yellow, orange, or even blue flowers. Moreover, the flowers are pollinated by bees and other insects, which means birds can find a lot of food to survive.


  • Have edible seeds and leaves.
  • Offer an excellent cover.
  • Provide nesting materials.


11. Willows


Willows are superb alternatives for bird habitats. They are excellent for a bird-friendly garden and provide them with food, shelter, nesting sites, and protection. Additionally, you can also use the willows to add a hard-to-ignore piece of Nature to your garden.

These plants feature long-lasting leaves that are easy to maintain. They tolerate a wide range of soil and climates. A robust plant is great for birdhouses, perching areas, and nesting sites. Moreover, they are hardy and can withstand harsh weather conditions, making them perfect for growing. Willows, for instance, are easy to grow, maintain, and provide various benefits for colorful birds.

Hedges and shrubs make ideal alternatives to perching and nesting spaces for birds. Also, the right kind of plant may serve as an impromptu or temporary abode sanctuary for birds. Most plants and trees are perfect perching and nesting sites for them.


  • Great for placing bird feeders.
  • Attract a large number of hummingbirds.
  • They are edible.


Wrapping Up

There you have it – the 11 best bird-friendly hedge plants for creating a bird-friendly garden. All these plants and shrubs are easy to care for and maintain. Moreover, for bird lovers, these small garden shrubs will help you attract different bird species, making your landscape full of colorful birds and butterflies.

There you have it – the 11 best bird-friendly hedge plants for creating a bird-friendly garden. All these plants and shrubs are easy to care for and maintain. Moreover, for bird lovers, these small garden shrubs will help attract different bird species to your yard. It would transform it into quite a magical landscape full of visiting, colorful birds and butterflies.


How do you make a perfect bird habitat?

Planting trees and shrubs with edible fruit and flowers is the best way to make a safe, sustainable, and exceptional bird habitat.

What are some easy-to-grow flowering shrubs?

Some of the numerous shrubs that produce eye-catching flowers are the following:

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syricus)

rose of sharon

Rose of Sharon Flower

Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)

crape myrtle

Crape Myrtle Flower

Fuzzy Deutzia (Deutzia scabra)

Fuzzy Deutzia

A Cluster of Fuzzy Deutzia Flowers

Japanese Spiraea (Spirea japonica)

Japanese Spiraea

Japanese Spiraea Blossoms

Hydrangea  a.k.a. Hortensia (Hydrangea)

Hydrangea a.k.a. Hortensia

Hydrangea a.k.a. Hortensia Blossoms

Common Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)

Common Winterberry drupes

Bright Red Winterberries

Wild Blackberry (Rubus spp.)

Ripe and unripe wild blackberries

Twig laden with unripe and ripe fruit of wild blackberry

Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)

Blooming Red Staghorn Sumac Flowers


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bird friendly hedge plants