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Where to Place a Hummingbird Feeder


Hummingbirds are incredibly fascinating to watch and bring your backyard to life. These delicate little birds provide hours of enjoyment when you understand just where to place a hummingbird feeder to keep them coming.

However, many find it hard to decide where to place a hummingbird feeder. Placement of your hummingbird feeder is the key to attracting more of those little visitors to your garden. They flit flower to flower to sip nectar by dipping their beak into blossoms.

They visit blossoms thousands of times per day to eat, so if you want them to hang out longer in your garden, hang a feeder. Placing the hummingbird feeder in the wrong place means you won’t end up attracting these flying jewels to your backyard.

So, where to put a hummingbird feeder?

Since hummingbird feeders are different and you shouldn’t place them with other bird feeders. It requires some planning so you can bring lots of them to your garden.


Hummingbird Feeder


Why Hang Your Hummingbird Feeders?


Hummingbirds flap their wings up to 75 times per second, and their heartbeats four-time per second; they need constant feeding crucial to fuel their metabolism. Moreover, some hummings also undertake long migrations.

Rufous hummingbirds undertake a 3,000-mile trek while Ruby-throated flies up to 550 miles. So, the best time to hang a hummingbird feeder is during migration season.


Why Placement Matters?


Experienced gardeners know that changing the bird feeders location makes a significant difference. The same is valid for hummingbird feeders. Placing the feeder poorly and at the wrong place may attract pests and insects, spoiling the nectar. It may also prevent hummingbirds from visiting your garden.

Wrong placement also creates inconvenience by making it hard to refill and clean the hummingbird feeder. Furthermore, your little visitors may not be able to spot where the feeder is placed. In contrast, a properly placed feeder at a convenient location can create an excellent accent, and hummers will see it as a reliable food source.

So, how to place a hummingbird feeder?



Tips to Place Hummingbird Feederswhere to place a hummingbird feeder

While not all backyards are the same, there are certain factors that you have to consider when placing a hummingbird feeder. Considering essential elements to hang a hummingbird feeder also help attract more hummingbirds.

1. Put it at a Convenient Place.

Ideally, a hummingbird feeder should be convenient not only for humming to see but also for birders to refill and clean. Hanging a feeder within easy reach and not so high is essential. So, make sure to put a hummingbird feeder near patios, paths, or decks to make it more accessible.


2. Make Sure it is Easily Noticeable.

Although hummingbirds have keen eyesight, it can be hard for them to spot a feeder hidden in dense foliage or tucked under a roof. While placing a hummingbird feeder, make sure to get some light to catch reflections and colours. It will not only make the feeder more noticeable but will also appeal to more hummings. Moreover, placing the feeder near red colours can also help attract more hummingbirds.


3. Ensure the Safety

Poorly placing the feeder can also threaten the safety of birds. While putting, a hummingbird feeder should be hung high enough so that predators or cats don’t have a chance to harm feeding birds. Also, make sure the feeder is close enough to a window or far away to avoid bird collision with the glass.


4. Away from Larger Birds

Hummingbirds are naturally aggressive and territorial. They will avoid visiting areas where other birds are active. So, hang hummingbird feeders away from other bird feeders or feeding stations. Moreover, placing multiple feeders throughout your garden also help aggressive hummings to have their own space. It may also help attract more birds to your garden.


5. Away from Direct Sunlight

During hot weather, nectar can spoil more quickly. If you place the bird feeder in direct sunlight all day long, you may notice a significant reduction of hummingbirds visiting your yard. So, putting the feeder away from sunlight in a shady area protect it from hot temperatures. You can place the feeder in a dappling shade under a tree to catch hummingbirds attention.


6. Hang Hummingbird Feeders From a Pole

One of the obvious ways to hang hummingbird feeders is to hang them with a bird feeder pole. It also allows you to place the feeder exactly where you want within your garden. I use an 84-inch tall, dual offset hook that I like for hanging bird feeders. You can insert it into the ground a foot or more to hang the feeder above 5 feet.


7. Place Hummingbird Feeders Near Flowers

Undoubtedly, one of the beautiful ways to put a hummingbird flower is near flowers and plants that they visit frequently. Hummingbirds love eating nectar from blossoms, so they love orange, red, and yellow colour flowers with a tubular shape. These flowers also prevent insects from getting nectar from these blooms, leaving all the nectar for hummingbirds.


8. Put the Hummingbird Feeder Where You Can See it.

One of the reasons for having a hummingbird feeder in your yard is to observe and enjoy these flying jewels. Hummers love spending time perching, so adding a feeder to feed hungry humming will let you enjoy the birds. When hanging the feeder, try to place it properly so you can see it from indoors. May birders place their feeders close to indoor eating areas to enjoy birds during mealtimes.


9. Hang Your Hummingbird Feeder from a Window Awning

Hanging your hummingbird feeder from a window awning has various benefits. For instance, it will get morning light and still be protected from hot temperatures. It may also get some protection during winds and a cover during rain. Moreover, a feeder hanging from the window awning will always be visible.


10. Hang Your Hummingbird Feeder from a Shelf Bracket

It is easy to screw a shelf bracket into the side of your home wall to hang a feeder. However, you will need silicone sealant caulking to protect screw holes from moisture. Moreover, be careful and keep the shelf bracket at least 6 feet high to avoid hitting your head on it.


11. Hang Your Hummingbird Feeder from a Tree

Hanging a hummingbird feeder from a tree limb is also a good idea. However, I recommend a low tree to avoid the feeder swinging wildly on the hanger. Also, a higher tree limb may need you to get a thin rope or cord. You can attach a shelf bracket with wood screws to the tree. Moreover, since ants tend to live on trees, use ant moat to prevent them.


12. Place Your Hummingbird Feeder by Water

Hummingbirds like the water sound, and placing your feeder in an area near the water can attract more hummingbirds to your feeder. Hummingbirds don’t need much water because they drink droplets off the leaves of plants and trees. If possible, have a separate birdbath for larger birds.


13. Use a Window Feeder with Suction Cups

Windows feeders are the best that bring hummingbirds right up to you. These window-attached feeders are usually small because of the heavy sugar water. Suction cups can store only a lightweight feeder. However, these cups are likely to pop off the window after a specific time.

When placing a hummingbird feeder using suction cups, make sure the window is dry and clean to keep them stay longer.


14. Wooden Deck Railing with an Extension Arm

You can easily find extension arms with C-lamps on the market that you can attach with hummingbird feeders to place on a deck railing. They can also help to connect the component of the upper railing of a wooden fence. In comparison, some feeders can also be used on a metal railing.


15. Rain Gutters to Hang Your Hummingbird Feeder

If your home roof cannot hang feeders from the eaves, you can try rain gutters. In this regard, you need to bend a metal coat to hang the feeder. However, avoid hanging anything heavy from the trenches. A lightweight hummingbird feeder shouldn’t be a problem.




Bonus Tip: How to Clean Your Hummingbird Feeder?

When changing the nectar solution, use hot water and rinse your hummingbird feeder well. You should give your feeder a deep clean once a month. However, avoid using any cleaning product like a bleach solution, as you do with other bird feeders. Ideally, you can use four parts of water and one part of white vinegar to clean your hummingbird feeder.


That’s all about where to place a hummingbird feeder. Many birders complain they don’t get any hummingbirds and often wonder if their hummingbird feeder isn’t at the right place. The solution is to make sure to keep changing the hummingbird mix bottle. The nectar can quickly spoil or ferment, which means hummings will try it once or twice, and then they will never come back. So, it is essential to change your hummingbird nectar even if it hasn’t lost a drop. Moreover, during hot temperatures, change it more frequently.



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Hummingbird Feeder