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Check The Various Types Of Wild Bird Feeders

It’s beneficial to have the right kinds of wild bird feeders to draw your feathered friends. With the correct outdoor devices to supply food to our feathered friends, we can see them at close range. They are gorgeous and exotic altogether and watching them near is quite satisfying. Bird watching lets people observe avifauna and also allows connecting with nature. Hence, getting to know the different types of bird feeders has its advantages.
The various types of bird feeders have distinctive features. In that way, they are very decorative and are attractive to unique kinds of critters. So, in getting one or two, it’s ideal to know the available options first and then compare. In this post, we’ll take a look at a selection of feeders and discuss their features. Keep reading to enjoy seeing, identifying, and being around undomesticated birds.

Advantages Of The Kinds Of Wild Bird Feeders

There are many reasons why the various types of wild bird feeders exist. They serve valuable purposes and many provide benefits to people in general. The point of these devices is that they supply food to our feathered pals. In that way, perching birds get sustenance and don’t have to spend a lot of time and energy foraging anymore. The thing gives them a steady source of food to keep them alive and energetic. Thus it aids in keeping birds breeding and feeding their hatchlings. Still, with such, yard owners get to have plenty of birds around to take care of their garden. That is to say, the birds help to add aesthetic appeal, pollinate plants, fertilize the soil, and get rid of pests. So it’s no wonder why many patios and other areas have them.
kinds of bird feeders
Besides, these feeders also contribute to preserving certain bird species. As follows, the ecosystem where these creatures dwell get maintained too. Even if our feathered friends do not depend on these devices for their survival, it helps them manage. Birds still need insects bugs and certain plants to thrive. Feeders provide them with seeds, peanuts, and other things to supplement their nutrition. Thus many folks do not hesitate to install them on their property.

Cons Of The Kinds Of Wild Bird Feeders

Like any other devices, the types of bird feeders come with a few drawbacks too. After all, with their design comes inevitable cons to consider. For instance, since they attract unique birds, they can end up being messy and noisy at the same time. Because of the number of animals that feed on them, they may wind up being costly. To keep creatures using them, owners may need to keep putting seeds and other things in. Also, unwanted animals like their predators may visit. That’s because of the attention and even the seeds the feeders have. So there are a few considerations to bear in mind before purchasing these devices.
To mention more but manageable downsides, they may attract too many birds. This could result in negative effects on a backyard ecosystem. Certain bird species may end up bullying others to take over the kinds of bird feeders present too. Still, some rules or laws may not permit the feeding of specific wildlife creatures. But, despite these things, bird feeders are still worth getting. Take note that owners can watch over them from a distance and at a close distance. Thus it’s almost always possible to handle their condition and everything surrounding them.

The Various Types Of Wild Bird Feeders

Birders have options to select between the kinds of bird feeders available. Each has its own positive and unfavorable attributes. But, for the most part, individual models please different customers. That is to say, getting the best means knowing what one wants and needs as a birder first. Take note that some types of bird feeders are open while others ensure shutting in feeds somehow. Still, certain kinds are easier to install and maintain compared to others. Thus it pays to see most if not all sorts of feeders. In doing so, you may be able to get what caters to your design and functional requirements.

Seed or Platform Feeders

Also known as non-exclusive feeders, these are the most common of all the kinds of bird feeders. These types are usually open and vulnerable to harsh elements. Thus they are prone to becoming filth and getting heavy moisture among many things. Being exposed, our feathered friends aren’t the only critters that approach them. Even when under a roof, animals other than birds can eat the things placed on them. A few of the creatures that like them other than birds are raccoons, deer, chipmunks, and squirrels. Still, they appeal a lot to seed-feeding birds. The ones attracted to these are the sparrows, starlings, and pigeons. So they are also worth it as bird feeders to have for a garden.
platform feeder
As much as possible, though, it’s best to get the ones with adequate drainage. After all, it could reduce moisture that causes bacterial or fungal growth. Take note that droppings can also accumulate on these and it helps to lessen the waste soiling the seeds. Hence, it is sensible to go for the ones with a screen bottom. Still, it’s versatile since people can mount or suspend it on tree stumps and deck railings.
When looking for a platform wild bird feeder, consider the Solution4PatioHomes Cedar feeder. We like this one as it offers an open platform for birds to come and go, and also hosts two suet feeders which can be used for other food, too.
Note that cedar resists insects and is considered a good choice for outdoor applications. This feeder easily hangs from a tree or pole and can be kept nearby to enjoy watching the visiting birds. However, if you have squirrels, they will easily raid this type of feeder, leaving your birds without.

Hopper Feeders

They are some of the kinds of bird feeders that have an interesting look to them. They resemble small houses due to their hinged roof and they provide a steady supply of food. Fixed with side panels, glass sheets that hold the feeds, and a tray for the feeding area, it’s dependable. It not only stores a lot of seeds and gives constant food but also keeps things tidy. That’s because the food only gets dispensed once those exposed are already eaten. Large models can hold many birds at a time too. Some of the creatures that get drawn to it are sparrows, chickadees, finches, and cardinals. Even buntings perch to these feeders too. Thus, like various types of bird feeders, these are also worth trying.
Although they hold plenty of food, it’s troublesome when these feeders get wet. After all, prolonged moisture causes the growth of pathogens. Plus, such things can be challenging to maintain because of their structure. On top of that, these feeders attract cats, hawks, rats, and other unwanted creatures. Still, installing baffles beneath them may address this issue. It’s also possible to install them wherever they can be visible and decorate a patio well. So they are great to use too. That is with diligence in maintenance and some creativity during installation.
Plenty of choices
Hopper style wild bird feeders come in a variety of shapes and sizes. One of our favorites is the Twinkle Star Wild Bird Feeder. I like that is is a simple design catering to the needs of the birds. With the see-through panels, you will know when the food supply is getting low. And again, it hangs quite easily.
An alternative that many are turning to is this solar wild bird feeder by XDW-GIFTS. What? Do birds need a night light? No, of course wild birds rest at night, choosing the safer daytime hours for feeding and moving about. But this bird feeder become a night lantern for your backyard. You can choose a mosaic or single color. They would make a great gift, too.

Window Feeders

It may indeed take up to 2 weeks before the birds will have the interest or confidence to try them. But, with their design and how they work, they are great for homes. They are the kinds of bird feeders that don’t need a lot of skill in maintenance and installation. They have transparent glass or plastic with suction cups that stick to windowpanes. These structures permit getting a view of the birds as they perch, move, and eat. They often have a sloped roof and removable trays that make them easy to clean too. So, of the various types of bird feeders, they are quite practical to have around.
Avoiding window collisions
 Our feathered friends may hit windows when they see the reflection of the sky on them. Yet they also almost always see bird seeds straight away. Thus, with a feeder that has food outside a window, birds may perch and eat instead of hitting the glass. These even draw sparrows, titmice, finches, and chickadees near. Of course, that is if there is enough and the right kind of seed, suet, corn, and nuts present. Some even use these feeders to get birds to enter their homes. Hence, they are the types of bird feeders that are interesting, appealing, and smart at the same time.
Some find these feeders provide the perfect balance to giving the wild birds space and food, while still enjoying watching them. Of course, staying too close to your window might scare some of your tiny feathered friends. But there is an advantage to having these attached to your window.
One of our favorites is sold by the Nature Anywhere Store and offers a simple house design that is completely transparent. It’s easy to fill and easy to clean. It won’t feed huge numbers of birds and isn’t intended for that. But for those up-close moments, we think it’s pretty nice.

Tube Feeders

These are the kinds of bird feeders that are easy to use and give rats, squirrels, and chipmunks trouble. It’s only because they have hollow tubes that are slippery to mount but hold a lot of bird food. Plus, the material for it is a tough plastic called polycarbonate. So it’s quite dependable in keeping the food for birds in. Also, these feeders come with feeding ports where birds can eat with ease and convenience.
Even though unwanted creatures can chew on their end caps, these lids are often attached well to the tube. This gives the benefit of dissuading undesirable critters from accessing the bird feeds. Usually, these feeders hold seeds, nuts, and pellets. But the best food to have in them depends on the size and type of the feeding ports. Thus many homes and even commercial areas have these types of bird feeders.
One of my favorite tube feeders is this metal version by Roamwild. My friends who have one say it is truly squirrel proof! The company says it is even baby squirrel proof, so might be a good choice if you have squirrels in your yard, too. Nothing against the squirrels–you may feed them separately. We just want to make sure the birds get the bird food. It comes in 3 different colors, too.

Using The Types Of Bird Feeders Right

Instead of putting up kinds of bird feeders in your yard, try to be wise when having them around. It means it would be smart to use them right to get the most out of their potential. For instance, rather than using the same feeds over and over again, be creative. Have a variety of things to feed birds. Sometimes, go for peanuts instead of seeds. Still, there’s giving fresh fruits and suet as well. Still, you have the option to give mealworms and other insects. But that is while remembering to not let our feathered pals depend on the feeders. After all, they are wild creatures that are so used to getting food from nature. So try to give a variety of food but don’t let them rely on what helps them get some nourishment.
Cleaning is essential for the various types of bird feeders. This means removing old, dirty, and moldy leftovers. Wash the bird feeders from time to time to make it safe for birds to eat from them. But, aside from getting rid of spoiled food, get them free of debris like bird droppings. Aside from cleaning, try to put them where there is a water source and a clean garden. Take note that birds are not only drawn to bird feeders. Locations with water for hydration, plants to take or perch on, insects to eat, plus clean air draws them. So make things great for birds by using unique types of bird feeders to make your yard a bird sanctuary.

Considering adding one of these wild bird feeders?

We hope our post helped you understand the kinds of bird feeders available. Each has its distinctive pros and cons and these things make it easier to decide which ones to pick. The tips on how to use them can help preserve and take advantage of them. With these ideas, we wish that you could discover the best bird feeders for yourself.
Do you have some at home? What kinds do you need or prefer? Thanks for reading and please leave us your comments below. We’d love to hear from you.

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