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The Best Mosquito Repelling Plants


mosquito repelling plants

Mosquitoes are pesky little insects that leave red bites and can be very irritating. If you’re like me, who hates mosquitoes and loves planting, here are some mosquito repelling plants for you. I also included mosquito repelling flowers and herbs for you to plant! If you want to learn more about the plants that deter mosquitoes, then keep on reading.

What are Mosquitoes?


Mosquitoes are pesky little things – well that’s my description of them. But according to the CDC, mosquitoes are common, flying insects that you can find in most parts of the world. In fact, there are over 3,500 types of mosquitoes worldwide.

Unlike what most of us might believe, not all mosquitoes bite people or animals. But, when they do bite, everyone will experience itching and swelling. Worst case scenario would be getting viruses or parasites from mosquito bites.


Common Types of Mosquitoes in the U.S.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that there are over 200 types of mosquitoes in the country. In general, the three common types of mosquitoes are Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles.

  • Aedes

The Aedes mosquito bites during the day and their preferred hosts are humans! Yikes! But the biggest danger is that it can spread dengue fever and other viruses.

mosquito repelling plants


  • Culex


Culex are commonly known as common house mosquitoes. This type of mosquito bites during the night while their preferred hosts are avian hosts. But they will still bite humans although not as often.

  • Anopheles
While the last type of mosquito common in the US is the Anopheles. This type of mosquito bites indoors and outdoors. This mosquito prefers human and mammal hosts. This is the mosquito I’m quite afraid of since it brings malaria.


Control Open Water Sources!


mosquito repelling plants

For me, the most important thing to note is to avoid or control open water sources! An open water source will never fail to draw in mosquitoes. That is because it’s their means to lay their eggs. Of course, these eggs also don’t take long to become mosquitoes themselves.

Having an open water source is like giving mosquitoes a comfy mansion to rest and reproduce on. After reaching adulthood, they’ll reproduce more on the same open water source. Before long, your mind ends up with an infestation. That is why you must be mindful and eliminate open water sources!

Common Misconceptions on Mosquitoes


A lot of people don’t know it but mosquitoes also live off of plant nectar, particularly male ones. Female mosquitoes feed both on plant nectar and human blood. The former gives both sexes the energy needed to fly while the latter only helps in reproduction. That is to say that only female mosquitoes bite us!

Knowing more about mosquitoes is vital to understanding areas to avoid. I’ll be adding tips later on other means to get rid or at least limit mosquitoes at your place. Let’s now move on to ways to repel mosquitoes.

Mosquito Repelling Isn’t Difficult!


There are a lot of ways to repel mosquitoes. But, as you might already know, I’m not a fan of chemical repellents. Why use chemical repellents when you can use natural ones, right? Plus, using natural mosquito repellants will help you and the environment too!

Are There Mosquito Repelling Plants?


Yes! There are a lot of plants that deter mosquitoes. Not only are they very effective but they give even more benefits! Of course not all plants repel mosquitoes but the ones that do are pretty easy to plant and nurture.

Bonus: Certain Plants Can Also Attract Mosquitoes!


It is important to note though that certain plants can also attract mosquitoes. You need to make sure to get rid of or at least separate these certain plants in a particular area in your garden. Some of these plants are:

  • Taro


Taro plants attract mosquitoes because of the environment they thrive in. They don’t offer nectar but instead a habitable environment for mosquitoes. They need a lot of water, to an extent that stagnant water will definitely be present.


  • Water Lilies



Water Lilies attract mosquitoes for the simple reason that the folds of its flowers can often hold a bit of water. Water will always be the number one attraction for any mosquito. Of course, the scent of the flower will also attract mosquitos.

  • Jasmine Bushes



The bushes themselves don’t necessarily attract mosquitoes. It’s the dark, damp and cold patches underneath that attracts them. To add to that, Jasmine flowers attract mosquitoes with their scent and nectar.


5 Mosquito Repelling Plants

Lets now move on to the 10 best mosquito repelling plants that I know of and trust. The ones in the list are mosquito repelling plants that are easy to get and nurture!

1. Citronella Grass


mosquito repelling plants

Citronella is by far my most recommended mosquito repelling plants. It’s also known as lemongrass and is even used as a main ingredient for mosquito repellants. They are easy to grow and will survive in almost every climate.


How to Plant a Citronella Plant?


You can either transplant a fully-grown citronella plant or plant from scratch. In both cases, you’ll need to place your plant in a well-lighted spot. Also, you’ll need well-draining soil!


How to Use Mosquito Repelling Plants?

I use citronella grass as a mosquito repellent by washing and then crushing its leaves. You can then go ahead and put the resulting paste in a container of your choice. You can use them by rubbing them directly on your skin.

The citronella oil that you get from the leaves are the ones keeping the mosquitoes away. You can also plant Citronella grass in particular areas of the garden. You can even put them on pots and place them in particular spots in your backyard! The scent they release is enough to repel mosquitoes.


Tips for Caring for a Citronella Plant


Citronella plants LOVE water, so better water them regularly! Also, remember to prune your citronella plants to promote better growth. Try to avoid having big areas of them together. This is to avoid getting patches of habitable spaces for mosquitoes underneath!

2. Mint

mosquito repelling plants


One of my favorite herbs ever is mint! Mint helps repel mosquitoes due to its strong aroma, which mosquitoes dislike. Mint works at repelling mosquitoes by masking the scent of humans, making it harder to find them.


How to Plant a Mint Herb?

Mint is easy to grow and maintain. You can plant it directly in your garden or in specific containers. You can even plant them as part of your indoor herb garden!

The most important thing to note when planting mint is that it loves partial shade. It also loves moist but well-draining soil. You can easily plant them from seeds or from cuttings.

How to Use Mosquito Repelling Herbs?

Like citronella grass, you can use mint by crushing its leaves and applying it directly on your skin. Though I also know people who try to boil the leaves and use the water they get to make a spray. Finally, you can also plant them on designated areas or in pots. The scent they release is enough to repel mosquitoes!

Tips for Caring for a Mint Herb

Mint also loves water but only keep the soil moist! Make sure that the soil drains well. Mint herbs will generally survive well in almost any condition! Overwatering and leaving them in direct sunlight are the worst things that you can do.

3. Basil


This is also one of the best mosquito repelling herbs for me. The reason is that I love having them in my indoor garden to use when cooking. They grow fast and are very easy to maintain! Basil keeps mosquitoes away due to their strong smell. It may be appetizing to us but is pungent for mosquitoes!

How to Plant a Basil Herb?


Planting basil is very easy. The easiest way would be by using seeds. Use well-draining soil and lightly water them regularly. Don’t overwater them! Also, you must keep under direct sunlight for around 5 to 6 hours daily. Additionally, you need to prune the plant and trim any flowers that may appear. Leaving them on can reduce the flavor of the leaves! Finally, you don’t need to worry about pests since basil herbs are very resistant to them.


How to Use Mosquito Repelling Herbs?


You can use basil by crushing its leaves to release its natural oil. The amazing smell it releases is what keeps the mosquitoes away. Apply crushed leaves on your skin and you’ll be good to go! You can also put the crushed basil leaves in olive oil for several hours. Putting them together will infuse the smell of the basil with the olive oil. I recommend doing this if you find the first method too strong smelling for your taste. Finally, you can also boil the basil leaves, crushed or as is, and then let it cool. Then you can put the basil-infused water in a spray bottle for use. This way, you can spray around the house for an amazing homey fragrance!


Tips for Caring for a Basil Herb

The worst thing you can do to a basil herb is overwatering it. They’re generally resistant to pests and diseases. Though you still need to keep an eye out for pests. Use natural pesticides like vinegar or lemon juice rather than chemical ones! Doing so will help preserve the wonderful basil fragrance.

4. Rosemary


Rosemary is another one of the best mosquito repelling herb out there. They smell amazing, both around the house and in food! As you can probably tell already, I’m in love with homey and foody smells and fragrances.


How to Plant a Rosemary Herb?

Like mint, rosemary is easy to plant and maintain as well. You can start with either their seeds or cuttings. Though based on my personal experience, cuttings are much easier to start with.


You need to make sure that you plant them somewhere that has a lot of sunlight. Get soil that is well-draining and make sure that the soil is moist after planting. Again, do not overwater!


How to Use Mosquito Repelling Herbs?

You can crush or boil rosemary, similar with how to use mint. You’re only really aiming for the wonderful scent to linger. Though with rosemary, you can also dry them under the sun. Then you can use the dried up rosemary as a sort of incense that’ll keep the mosquitoes away!


Tips for Caring for a Rosemary Herb

Once you get your first batch of rosemary herbs, you’ll want to prune them so they don’t end up clumping up too much. Also, my personal advice is to use a bit of fertilizer to get more yield. Finally, keep the soil moist but not too much! Rosemary can survive through hot or dry weather.


5. Marigold

mosquito repelling plants

Last but not the least, let’s talk about marigolds. They are definitely one of the best mosquito repelling plants! They give out a wonderful scent that attracts visitors and keeps away mosquitoes.

In fact, they’re known to keep away more than mosquitoes. They are perfect to keep as border plants since they keep away plant damaging pests! So if you love gardening just like me, then getting marigolds is a must!


How to Plant Marigolds?

Like many things on this list, marigolds are easy to plant and maintain! They prefer warm locations and well-draining soil. I can’t stress enough how much it needs well-draining soil since they’re more prone to root rot. So it would be best if you add sand or gravel when planting them!

You can plant marigolds using their seeds but the best way to do it would be to have them sprout first! Start by spreading them on a moist paper towel or thick enough tissue. Planting them as seedlings will have them thriving in no time!


How to Use Mosquito Repelling Plants?

The ones you need to collect are the petals of the marigold flowers. You can crush them but it won’t be as effective as letting them steep in hot water for hours. By doing that, you’ll be able to have a spray bottle’s worth.


For me though, I like adding the petals to me and my family’s bathwater every now and then. Not only are they very fragrant but they also make my skin feel smoother and softer. Although you need to make sure that you aren’t allergic to flowers in general before trying this out!


Tips for Caring for Marigolds

The most important thing to note would be to remove spent flowers in marigold plants. They can bloom continuously and it wont make sense for you to keep faded looking flowers. Also, try to use fertilizer as well since they thrive better by doing so!

This video showcases the 10 best plants that can help keep mosquitoes and flies away from outdoor spaces. The featured plants include lavender, basil, mint, catnip, rosemary, geraniums, and allium, all of which have natural insect-repelling properties. By incorporating these plants into outdoor spaces, viewers can learn how to naturally repel mosquitoes and flies and enjoy their time outdoors without being bothered by these pests.
Video Credit: @DecorifyHomeGarden

BONUS: DIY Mosquito Bite Home Remedy

Well, you can’t really avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. But of course, applying protection will lessen the chances of it ever happening! If you do get bit, here’s a few tips on what to do:
  • Use Mint Leaves

Crush a few mint leaves between your fingers and apply the crushed leaves to the affected area. This will help sooth any itchiness. Remember to clean the area well before applying the cleaned mint leaves!


Leave the mint leaves on for a few minutes then rinse them off. The ingredients in the mint leaves will help reduce inflammation and redness.


  • Use Basil Leaves

Herbs do wonders as natural home remedies. Just like mint, basil leaves are very effective in dealing with mosquito bites! You can use basil by boiling it in water and allowing it to cool down. Use the basil infused water to dampen the cloth that you’ll be applying on the wound.

Last Few Words

I hope I have given you more information and insight on mosquito repelling plants. There are a lot of plants that deter mosquitoes. As discussed, there are mosquito-repelling flowers who use their fragrances. Some are mosquito-repellingthat herbs that you can boil to make sprays.

For me, using natural remedies will always be the better choice. Not only do I know what’s in them, but it also gives me peace of mind since I know they can’t be harmful. Of course, you should always check for allergies before using any of what I discussed in the article!


Do I need to use a lot of petals or leaves of the mosquito repelling plants?

Yes! Though its easy to tell if you’ve put or used enough. The beauty of natural remedies is that you can adjust the amounts! It will depend on how strong of a scent you want to have and how long you want the protection to last.

Can I mix the mosquito repelling plants or herbs?

Yes, of course! I recommend combining any of the plants, flowers or herbs with citronella. As I said earlier, citronella has always been at the top when it comes to mosquito repelling! Mixing them with your other concoctions will only strengthen their mosquito repelling powers!

How long does the repellant last?

It will last for a short while, around an hour or a bit over an hour. You can increase the length of effectivity by making your repellants more concentrated. When it comes to direct application, you’ll need to reapply them every time they dry out or lose their scent!